What’s On: October
What you can expect at the Railway this month!
What's happening at the railway in October!
Our last month of the summer season and there’s lots going on!
International Coffee Day – 1st October
To celebrate all coffee drinkers and lovers on October 1st we want to give you a free coffee!
When you purchase one of our branded reusable cups, you we will give you a free coffee alongside. Visit any of our station cafes (Bodmin General, Bodmin Parkway and Liskeard Station) to take advantage of this offer.

End of Season Gala – Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th
An intensive timetable spread over the weekend! Expect to see three engines in steam as well as the Class 08, Class 50 and Denise out and about. Brake van, clay trains and seated clay wagon rides all on offer. We will also be offering Taster Driver Experiences at Bodmin Parkway with a selection of engines, only for £10! Tickets for these can be pre-booked alongside the gala rover tickets. More information and the timetables can be found on our ‘2023 Gala’s’ page HERE.
Bubble Car Day – Saturday 21st
Join us for a exciting day as we run just the Bubble Car (Class 121020) on a bespoke timetable. A limit of only 60 seats – so be quick and purchase your ticket now! Tickets will be rover tickets, allowing travel across all departures.
Purchase HERE
Murder Mystery Trains
Evenings of 10th and 24th of October
Starting at 7 p.m., our Murder Mystery Trains have been a popular event on our railway for the last 30+ years! Join us this summer season for the ‘1930s – The Vanishing Lady’ performance, brought to you by Murder By Appointment SW and Bodmin Railway.
The disappearance of one of the passengers during the journey sparks interest and concern among the others. They must find the missing lady. But why? Who are they? And who exactly do they represent?
Watch as the story unfolds, listen out for clues, get those grey cells working, and question the cast if you wish to try and piece together the puzzle.
If you can solve the mystery, your name will be put into a draw, and you may be lucky enough to go home with the winning prize.
Tickets start at £19.95 and include a pasty and an arrival drink.

Diesel Day
Saturday 28th
A day purely for all those diesel enthusiasts!
Likely to be the Class 50 ‘Triumph’ hauling the service train. Buy a rover ticket online and ride all day.
Buy tickets HERE

Locals Weekend
As a thank you to all our local customers and to celebrate the end of the season, during our last open weekend all locals can visit us and purchase an all-line ticket 1/2 price.
To qualify for your discounted tickets, you will need to have either a TR or PL postcode. This offer will only be available on a walk-in basis, as you will need to bring valid proof of address (e.g., a driving licence or utility bill). The offer cannot be combined with any other discounts.